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New! List of 70+ Star Providers, Recommended by Wellesley Homeowners

Star Providers

Ever want a home service pro, but struggle to find the right one? To help busy homeowners spend less time doing outreach, Wellesley Home Hero is excited to publish a new list of Star Providers.

Drawing from the experiences of 50+ homeowners who already text our homeowner advocates for home service help, we have aggregated 70+ recommended service providers and classified them into 19 categories. Beyond each pro’s name, our list also includes Specialties, so you can easily understand when to contact one pro versus another.

Want to recommend a provider that isn’t already listed? Wellesley homeowners can nominate new Star Providers on our website or by texting (781) 694-6635. With your contributions, we look forward to growing the list and maintaining the most helpful directory of home service providers that Wellesley has ever had. To review Wellesley’s initial Star Providers or nominate a new one, visit Star Providers now.